The last days to register for the only national interdisciplinary competition "Aristotel", run by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania. Chess champion among the participants

The Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania has announced the conclusion of submissions for the only national interdisciplinary competition, "Aristotel". Until 7 June, students from all over the country, from preparatory, primary (I-IV) and secondary (V-VIII) classes, have the opportunity to examine the interconnections between different fields of knowledge, to develop their critical thinking and to demonstrate their creativity. In the 14th edition of the competition, thousands of students from across the country have registered to participate. They attend weekly group and individual test sessions. Among the participants is National Chess Champion Aaron Drăgoi, who at the age of seven has amassed a considerable number of trophies from both national and international competitions.

The "Aristotel" competition is the only interdisciplinary competition in the country that tests children's emotional intelligence alongside their cognitive intelligence. This distinctive feature of the competition contributes to the comprehensive development of students, equipping them not only with the skills necessary for academic success but also with the tools to navigate the complexities of life. Gabriela Maalouf, psychologist and specialist in education excellence at the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, emphasises that it is erroneous to attempt to compare these two types of intelligence, as they are in fact two distinct and complementary aspects of human development.

The subjects are not in competition with each other, but rather they serve to reinforce and complement each other. It is imperative that students receive support in order to develop both cognitive and emotional intelligence. It is of the utmost importance to learn to have information, but also to focus on emotional intelligence, empathy and supporting our children with kindness and warmth, so that there is a balance. This is according to psychologist Gabriela Maalouf.

The "Aristotel" contest, run by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, is the only interdisciplinary program in Romania that helps children love mathematics, Romanian language, history or biology. Through this integrated approach, students are encouraged to see the connections between different fields of study and to develop flexible and innovative thinking. Registration for the competition closes on Friday 7 June on


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