Anti-ageing ideas competition "Youth vs. Old Age"

The Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania is organising the "Youth vs. Old Age" ideas competition from 1 December 2023 to 1 May 2024.

The competition is a challenge to Romania's brightest minds to discover ways to delay the ageing process. The idea for the competition came from the book by renowned researcher David Sinclair, entitled "Lifespan. Why we age and how to stop it", in which the hypothesis that "old age is a disease and therefore treatable" is developed and argued.

Specifically, the challenge is addressed to Romanians concerned with anti-aging science who can develop the ideas presented by Sinclair. Thus, all participants in the competition will receive the book "Lifespan. Why we age and how to stop it" immediately after registration and will have 60 days to review and resubmit their thoughts on the ideas presented. The competition is open to scientists from academic circles, as well as to any Romanian citizen who is concerned by this field and can offer a relevant point of view based on an individual study.

The ideas will be evaluated by a panel of specialists and the most relevant and justified opinion will receive a substantial prize.

Substantial prize for the best idea

Like any self-respecting competition, the 'Youth vs. Old Age' competition offers a prize of €5,000. The projects will be judged by a jury composed of representatives of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, together with specialists in the field of longevity and geriatrics. The jury will evaluate the project according to: compliance with the theme of the competition, the degree of originality and creativity of the material presented.

How can you apply?

Selecţia candidaturii în concurs se face pe baza CV-ului care va dovedi activitatea aplicantului în domeniul ştiinţelor vieţii. Prezentarea materialului poate fi realizată în orice format: video, eseu etc. Perioada de înscrieri este 1 decembrie 2023 – 1 aprilie 2024, urmând ca până la 30 aprilie să fie evaluate lucrările înscrise. Aplicațiile se transmit prin intermediul formularului de concurs disponibil pe site-ul

Câștigătorul concursului „Tinerețe vs. Bătrânețe” va fi anunțat pe data de 10 mai.


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