Chess course for the development of the intellect of gifted children

Chess, internationally recognised as an excellent tool for strategy and logic, is particularly beneficial for the development of intellectual and social skills in gifted children. Through this game, children can stimulate their strategic thinking, develop cognitive ability, learn to solve complex problems, be creative and concentrate effectively, while learning to manage [...] Read More

"100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" Campaign

Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania launches, under the sign of excellence, the campaign "100 young people for the development of Romania", in the spirit of celebrating unity and national identity. The campaign aims to bring to the forefront the stories and achievements of the most outstanding children and young people in Romania who, through their passion, dedication and talent, have managed to make a name for themselves [...]

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The 'School of the Future' Contest

UPDATE - 05.04.2024 Datorită numărului mare de proiecte inovative, reprezentanții juriului concursului „Școala Viitorului” va acorda un număr extins de premii, alături de marele premiu. Câștigătorii concursului „Școala Viitorului” vor fi anunțați până la sfârșitul lunii aprilie. UPDATE În urma conferinței WEBDIDACTICA „Integrarea tehnologiei în lecțiile din Școala Viitorului” și ca răspuns la numeroasele solicitări [...] Read More

Ten Libraries Rated 10

Reading plays an essential role in children's cognitive and emotional development, giving them the opportunity to expand their vocabulary, improve their critical thinking skills and develop empathy. The Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania is launching the "10 Libraries of Note 10" campaign, a national competition for educational institutions (schools and high schools) in Romania. [...] Read More
Super Smart Team: Prima echipă de copii supradotați din România

FDVDR courses for gifted and talented children begin: the first step for the Super Smart Team

COMUNICAT DE PRESĂ Data: 03.10.2023 Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României a demarat ieri Cursurile FDVDR, dedicate copiilor supradotați și talentați. Copiii cu abilități speciale au nevoie de o atenție specială din punct de vedere intelectual dar și emoțional pentru a-și putea dezvolta la maximum potențialul. De aceea, Cursurile FDVDR din această toamnă sunt dedicate […]

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Gala Elevului Bucureștean

Bucharest Pupils' Gala - 1st edition: the most involved pupils were awarded

Recently, the Bucharest Student Gala took place, an initiative supported by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania (FDVDR), together with the Bucharest Municipal Student Council. The event rewarded civic initiatives, projects developed and the involvement of pre-university students throughout the school year. The National Children's Palace hosted yesterday the first [...]

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Interactive courses for gifted and talented children. Registration starts

We are starting a new series of interactive courses for gifted and talented children under the aegis of the educational programme "FDVDR Courses 2023". The programme is initiated by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania. The activities are in a wide variety of fields and are not usually included in the school curriculum. Teachers, but also stars with experience in the fields in [...] Read More

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