School, your friend today and tomorrow

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This website is co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020.
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Romanian Government.
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School, your friend for today and tomorrow

The project "School, your friend today and tomorrow" aims to prevent school dropout by carrying out integrated activities involving students, parents and teachers. This project responds to an increasingly acute problem affecting Romanian society at both urban and rural level - early school leaving.

According to studies carried out by the National Institute of Statistics, the Bucharest-Ilfov region recorded the largest decrease in the school population, 18% compared to the other regions. The phenomenon of school dropouts is increasingly present in areas inhabited by poor people, peripheral areas, neighbourhoods with minority populations and vulnerable groups.

The project aims to create an integrated framework involving families, teachers, psychologists and educational counsellors in the education and training of children so that the risk of dropping out of school is significantly reduced.


Beneficiary: Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania

Associated partners: Saint Sylvester Secondary School, Secondary School no. 41

Funding amount: 2.783.610,78 lei

This project is financed by the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Programme 2014 - 2020

POCU 2014-2022

The Human Capital Operational Programme (PO CU) sets out the investment priorities, specific objectives and actions undertaken by Romania in the field of human resources, thus continuing the investments made through the European Social Fund in the period 2007-2013 and contributing, at the same time, to achieving the general objective of the Partnership Agreement (PA 2014-2020) - implicitly of the European Structural and Investment Funds in Romania, namely, to reduce disparities in economic and social development between Romania and EU Member States.

More details about the programme are available here: POCU

European Social Fund

The ESF is the main instrument through which Europe supports job creation, helps people get better jobs and ensures fairer job opportunities for all EU citizens.

More details are available here: FSE

European Union

The European Union is an economic and political union, developed in Europe, which is composed of 28 countries. The European Union has developed by the accession of new member states and has increased its power by adding economic, social and political areas to its abilities.

More details are available here: UE


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