WEBDIDACTIC Conference "SOS! I have a Gifted Child! What Should I Do?" - practical solutions for parents and teachers

Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania organizes a new edition of the WEBDIDACTICA online conference with the theme “SOS! Am un Copil Supradotat! Ce să fac?”. It will take place on 31 October, starting at 17:00, and participation is free of charge.

In a world where intelligence and creativity know no bounds, identifying and supporting gifted children becomes a crucial necessity. The event at the end of this month is the perfect opportunity for parents and teachers of children with exceptional potential to understand how they can support their harmonious development.

Top speakers for top children

The conference will bring to the fore leading experts in the field of psychology, education and development of gifted children, who will share practical tips and effective strategies to guide these brilliant minds to their full potential. Guest speakers at this meeting are Elena Anghel Stănilă - University Lecturer, PhD in Psychology, Founder of LIFE UP - Centre of Excellence in Educational Psychology and Simona Ciff - Psychologist, PhD in Educational Sciences, Specialist in Emotional Intelligence, Founder of the Passport to Success emotional intelligence programs.

A specialist from the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, a non-profit organization operating worldwide that provides support to gifted children, to which Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania has been affiliated since 2020, will also participate in this conference.

Dr. Tyler Clark is Executive Administrator of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children and a member of the awards subcommittee of the National Association for Gifted Children in the USA.

His research topics include specific themes related to performance education, leadership, gifted education and talent development, special education policy, creativity, social-emotional issues, and underrepresented situations. One of the key aspects of this edition of the WEBDIDACTICA conference is to provide participants with answers to questions such as how to recognize a gifted child, how to support their development, and how to motivate them to reach their exceptional potential.

Conferința “SOS! Am un Copil Supradotat! Ce să fac?” se desfășoară online. Participarea este gratuită, în baza completării formularului disponibil pe www.fundatiadanvoiculescu.ro.

The WEBDIDACTICA conference series is a project of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, which aims to support teachers, parents and other education professionals.

About the organiser:

Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania (FDVDR) is a non-profit organization that for over 30 years has been developing and implementing educational projects that support, in the medium and long term, the development of Romania.

The mission of Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania is to promote human and professional values in the technical, scientific, social, economic, educational, cultural and artistic fields.

Through its programmes and initiatives, FDVDR aims to contribute to the development of the country's future by supporting children with exceptional potential.


FDVDR Press Office


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