Category: Senatul Stiintific

The revolutionary invention of a group of students from Cluj, who turn pet bottles into plastic for 3D printers, brought them to the campaign "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development"

Cristian Gavrilă, Ana Sofia Crișan, David Prodan, Nicolas Guțu, Raul Urianu are the young inventors who made the first machine in Romania that turns Pet into plastic for 3D printers. The revolutionary invention of the students from Cluj brought them to the "100 Youngsters for the Development of Romania" campaign, launched by Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania. Thanks to the invention [...]

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The young inventors of the revolutionary system that will save patients' lives, Vital Alert, have signed up to the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign

Erik Ciotlăuș, Ioana-Daiana Drânda, Dan-Ioan Mustea, Irina Șușca, Alesia Voina, Zágoni Mátyás-Elemér are the young people who created the first complex tech system, Vital Alert, for hospitals and nurses to receive alerts from patients. This revolutionary medical alert system, which could save patients' lives, is unique in Romania. The young inventors have been enrolled [...].

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Anti-ageing ideas competition "Youth vs. Old Age"

Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania is organising the "Youth vs. Old Age" ideas competition from 1 December 2023 to 1 May 2024. The competition is a challenge to Romania's brightest minds to discover ways to delay the ageing process. The idea for the competition came from the book by renowned researcher David Sinclair, entitled [...] Read More

Four days of debates, over 75 scientific papers and a symposium on Age Management Medicine

COMUNICAT DE PRESĂ Data: 02.11.2023 Senatul Științific al Fundației Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României contribuie ca partener la desfășurarea celei de-a XV-a ediții a Congresului Național de Geriatrie și Gerontologie, dedicat abordării pacientului geriatric și studiului mecanismelor de îmbătrânire. Congresul se desfășoară în perioada 2-5 noiembrie la Palatul Parlamentului și găzduiește speakeri de renume în […]

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Artificial Intelligence

Dan Voiculescu Foundation supports research and innovation, with a special focus on projects by students passionate about artificial intelligence. We are deeply aware of the importance of this segment and encourage talented students to use artificial intelligence in their projects. We know the huge potential artificial intelligence has to solve complex problems and improve the lives of our contemporaries. Students [...]

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Câștigătorul concursului de robotică Ediția I

Lens Robot - the invention of young Alexandru Pătrulescu - presented at the Bucharest Motor Show

Vlad Alexandru Pătrulescu, the winner of the robotics competition "Looking for The New Shakey", organised by the Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, presented his invention at the opening of the Bucharest Motor Show. It is the Lens Robot - an individually designed project equipped with modular measuring systems. It can be [...] Read More

National Congress of Lifestyle Medicine: The food is information, and nutrition has a genetic impact on us!

World-famous doctors attended last week the second edition of the National Congress of Lifestyle Medicine, organized by the Romanian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (RSLM), in partnership with the Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania. This year's event was entitled "Modern Lethal Diseases: Are we tackling the symptoms or the causes?" and brought [...]

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Congresul Național de Medicină a Stilului de Viață

National Congress on Lifestyle Medicine begins (27-29 September)

The National Congress of Lifestyle Medicine is the event that will give a new direction to Romanian medicine and offer a new approach to the patient. The Romanian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (RSLM), in partnership with the Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, is organizing, from 27 to 29 September, the second edition of the [...]

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The Scientific Senate and the Association of Genetics and Personalized Medicine collaborate to implement a medical protocol in anti-aging medicine

The medicine of the future brings a personalised approach to the patient. Advances in medical science combined with data analysis and new technologies have facilitated a new approach to individual health. Connecting the doctor with the patient through technology is essential in the approach to healthcare. With genetic information and patient data obtained over time [...]

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