The Scientific Senate and the Association of Genetics and Personalized Medicine collaborate to implement a medical protocol in anti-aging medicine

The medicine of the future brings a personalised approach to the patient. Advances in medical science combined with data analysis and new technologies have facilitated a new approach to individual health. Connecting the doctor with the patient through technology is essential in the approach to healthcare. With the help of genetic information and patient data obtained in real time, we can truly speak of functional medicine based on prevention.

The medicine of the future assumes increased healthy life expectancy. For this reason, new disciplines such as longevity medicine, anti-ageing medicine, personalised medicine and lifestyle medicine are making their way into future medicine. All these disciplines aim to slow down the ageing process, and the personalised approach involves therapies tailored to each patient's profile.

In the context of the concern for longevity, the Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania and the Association of Genetics and Personalized Medicine concluded a partnership that aims to expand human genetics education and raise awareness of the immense benefits of genetic testing in personalised therapy.

In the same partnership, as members of the Healthy Longevity Medicine Society, the world's leading professional association in longevity medicine, the Scientific Senate and AGPM aim to form a working group with specialists from Romania and abroad to validate a medical protocol on anti-aging medicine, a protocol that will provide practitioners with a standard of care and approach to the patient.

There is currently no recommended age for consulting an anti-ageing doctor.

Anti-aging programs are individualized and relate to the patient as a unique individual with specific needs and genetic background.

Prof. Andrea Maier, one of the founders of HLMS is currently working on a medical protocol in longevity medicine and recommends that every country works towards implementing this discipline that will reshape the future.

"Genetics plays a crucial role in personalized medicine and longevity medicine, and my experience over the last 15 years in this field has allowed me to observe and capitalize on unprecedented scientific advances in genetics that have radically changed the model of healthcare in the world and increasingly in Romania.

Applying knowledge of genetics will result in better disease prediction and prevention, more accurate disease diagnosis and more effective treatment appropriate to each patient's genetic profile. By 2030, this approach is expected to transform healthcare into a proactive, personalised and accurate system, improving longevity and quality of life." said Raluca PRODAN, President of the Association for Genetics and Personalised Medicine (AGMP).

About the Association for Genetics and Personalized Medicine (AGMP)

The Association of Genetics and Personalized Medicine (AGMP) was launched in 2019, by a group of Romanian genetics specialists, with the aim of improving the framework for research and promotion of human genetics and stimulating the practical application of discoveries in the field for the accurate diagnosis and treatment of patients and the improvement of public health.

The Association emerged in response to the need for a deeper understanding of current advances in genetics and personalised medicine for medical professionals, patients and authorities.

Through collaboration, partnerships and communication with stakeholders, AGMP carries out programmes, projects, studies, courses, professional events to ensure access and disseminate quality scientific information to specialists, patients and other relevant parties.


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