Tech Workshop - Digital Education

MindHub Bucharest Unirii is a programming school that aims to empower children digitally through play.

In the lessons, children are the creators of digital programs adapted to their age and level of knowledge. They are essentially the directors of the game scenarios, as they are provided with the ability to control the digital environment through the lines of code generated.

The programming environments used are varied and the children will learn the basics of programming, doing activities adapted to their level of knowledge.

Atelier fizic – Educație Digitală în cadrul MindHub Unirii (8 sessions) - Time: 17:00 - 19:00
Date desfășurare atelier: 1 august, 6 august, 8 august, 13 august, 20 august, 27 august, 3 septembrie, 10 septembrie

  • Age: 7 - 11 years
  • Perioada de inscriere: 10 – 29 iulie
  • Number of sessions: 8
  • Duration: 2 hours

Cuprins Atelier fizic – Educație Digitală:

  1. Ce sunt instrucțiunile, prioritatea și programul?;
  2. Sequence of actions in creating a program;
  3. Knowledge of operators and basic math;
  4. Development of intermediate project 2;
  5. What is the cycle? What is iteration?;
  6. Unending cycles in programming;
  7. Nested cycles and conditional cycles;
  8. Intermediate project development 3.
Participation is free of charge.

Places are limited and will be filled on the basis of the results obtained in the testing for each of the courses. 
