Category: 100 Youngsters for Romania's Development

Record mondial în ape înghețate! Tânăra Simona Chiru câștigă medalia de aur la Campionatul European de Înot în Ape Înghețate și se înscrie în campania „100 de tineri pentru dezvoltarea României”

Simona Chiru a început să practice înot de performanță la 14 ani, iar 5 ani mai târziu s-a clasat pe primul loc la Campionatul European de Înot în Ape Înghețate, obținând un nou record mondial. Sportiva, în vârstă de 19 ani, a dovedit că determinarea și pasiunea pot înfrânge orice obstacol, câștigând aurul în proba [...] Read More

Six young people innovate the agricultural sector in Romania with the GrowWise device. The complex system brought them to the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign

Pasiunea pentru tehnologie și dorința de a face o schimbare pozitivă în comunitate au fost motivele pentru care șase tineri excepționali - Augustin Babii, Bogdan Brăileanu, Briana Filimon, Alexandra-Maria Morar, Alexandru Pop și Victor-George Sabo și-au unit forțele și au dezvoltat un dispozitiv revoluționar numit GrowWise, care nu este un simplu gadget, ci  este un [...] Read More

The story of the young Romanian pianist admitted to the Royal Danish Academy of Music. Daniel Dumitrașcu, enrolled in the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign

Sunetul unui pian poate spune povești mai frumoase decât cele mai elaborate cuvinte. Fiecare notă cântată de tânărul pianist român Daniel Dumitrașcu pare să aducă cu sine o întreagă odisee a pasiunii și talentului. Astăzi, Daniel a cucerit marile scene ale lumii și a fost înscris în campania „100 de tineri pentru dezvoltarea României”. La […]

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Six young people from Cluj have created an innovative app dedicated to the blind people. The invention brought them to the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign

Sofia-Maria Bud, Abel-Dumitru Burduhos, Alexandru-Marius Chira, Felix Crișan, Armand Farkas şi Maria-Teodora Pescaru sunt tinerii care au dezvoltat Aplicația Palmsy, un dispozitiv dedicat nevăzătorilor, ajutându-i să fie independenţi când vine vorba de orientare şi citirea textului care nu este afişat în braille. În plus, acest dispozitiv oferă o funcționalitate de siguranță vitală și îi protejează […]

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The prodigy of ballet, in dancing steps to the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign. Iustin Mihai Răducanu is part of the generation changing the rhythm

Iustin Mihai Răducanu, a talented young man with a fierce passion for ballet, has made his way to ballet with grace and dedication. He discovered ballet two years ago, and in this short time has shown outstanding performances. This propelled him into the "100 young people for the development of Romania" project. Just a few years ago [...]

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Who is "Little Pythagoras", the Romanian teenager who is conquering, one by one, Mathematical Olympiads around the world. The youngster started doing complicated calculations at an early age, and today he has joined the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign.

David Anghel is Romania's mathematical genius. The young Romanian started doing complicated calculations as early as second grade, through Archimedes and Euclid courses, anticipating a brilliant future in mathematics. Since then, he has been preparing to win various competitions, conquering one national and international competition after another with his [...] Read More

Romania's "Little Einstein", who invented the KN-9 nuclear battery that could power a residential neighbourhood for 100 years, has been enrolled in the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign

At just 15, Vladimir Vîrzob has succeeded in inventing a radio-isotope battery that could power a residential neighbourhood for a century. His achievement has been praised by eminent researchers in Romania. The "Little Einstein" is the pride of Oltenia and the whole of Romania, and his juice-can-sized invention could be used to [...]

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The revolutionary invention of a group of students from Cluj, who turn pet bottles into plastic for 3D printers, brought them to the campaign "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development"

Cristian Gavrilă, Ana Sofia Crișan, David Prodan, Nicolas Guțu, Raul Urianu are the young inventors who made the first machine in Romania that turns Pet into plastic for 3D printers. The revolutionary invention of the students from Cluj brought them to the "100 Youngsters for the Development of Romania" campaign, launched by Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania. Thanks to the invention [...]

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The young inventors of the revolutionary system that will save patients' lives, Vital Alert, have signed up to the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign

Erik Ciotlăuș, Ioana-Daiana Drânda, Dan-Ioan Mustea, Irina Șușca, Alesia Voina, Zágoni Mátyás-Elemér are the young people who created the first complex tech system, Vital Alert, for hospitals and nurses to receive alerts from patients. This revolutionary medical alert system, which could save patients' lives, is unique in Romania. The young inventors have been enrolled [...].

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Young people writing aerospace history included in the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" project

In 2023, Romspace - a team of passionate and talented young people - successfully launched the ROM-3 satellite into orbit using a SpaceX rocket provided by Elon Musk. These are scenes many of us see in movies, but also a story that shows us that nothing is impossible when you believe in your dream. [...]

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