"100 Youngsters for the Development of Romania" – Entries for the catalogue of excellence start!

Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României lansează, pe 1 decembrie, de Ziua Națională, sub semnul excelenței, campania „100 de tineri pentru dezvoltarea României”.

Campania își propune să aducă în prim-plan poveștile și realizările celor mai remarcabili copii și tineri din România, care, prin pasiunea, dedicarea și talentul lor, au reușit să se facă remarcați la nivel național și internațional. Fie că vorbim despre excelență academică, performanțe artistice, implicare socială sau inovație în diverse domenii, acești tineri sunt adevărați ambasadori ai potențialului extraordinar al României. Cei 100 de tineri pentru dezvoltarea României, care ne fac mândri că suntem români și care s-au remarcat prin performanțe deosebite, vor fi incluși în primul catalog al excelenței românești.

How are the candidates selected?

The 100 young people will be selected from the following categories:

  1. Education
  2. Sports
  3. Culture
  4. Innovation

The catalogue of Romanian excellence will include international Olympians, winners of various international and national competitions (gold, silver and bronze medals). The campaign will showcase inspirational role models, proudly illustrating the diversity of talent across the country. Each story will be living proof that Romania is a place where dreams can come true and where perseverance and talent can open doors to a bright future.

What are the entry criteria?

The campaign is open to all Romanian children and young people between 5 and 25 years old, living in Romania or abroad. Candidates are eligible if they complete the application form, attaching a presentation, including a personal characterisation and a list of achievements. The original and creative presentation must be accompanied by a photo, a list of recommendations from teachers or coaches and proof of performance through diplomas or medals. Enrolment of minor participants will be done by a parent, who will sign an agreement to this effect. Adult participants will complete the agreement personally.

How to apply?

Registrations can be made on www.fundatiadanvoiculescu.ro from 1 December 2023 until 1 September 2024. Applications will be evaluated by a panel of specialists from the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, and a list of the 100 outstanding young people selected for the catalogue of excellence will be announced next autumn.

"Excellence Gala", dedicated to the 100 young people, will take place on 1 December 2024.


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