"Blue zones of longevity in Romania", research project of the Scientific Senate

The project "Blue Zones of Longevity in Romania", initiated by the Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, aims to document the socio-demographic characteristics of localities with a high percentage of seniors over 90. At national level, according to the last census, only 0.5% of the population falls into this category.

The research of the Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania aims to create a longevity map for the whole country. In addition to this map, a qualitative study will be presented for the first time in Romania to identify and analyse the longevity factors of Romanian seniors in these areas.

Experts were involved in the project:

  • Univ. Dr. Gabriel-Ioan Prada, Head of Geriatrics and Gerontology at UMF "Carol Davila" and President of the Romanian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics, recognized for his contributions in geriatrics and gerontology, including the management of nutritional disorders and vitamin deficiencies in the elderly.
  • Ema Mercore, longevity researcher, involved in various studies and research projects on factors influencing lifespan and long-term health.
  • Alfred Bulai, university lecturer and director of the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Political Sciences, National School of Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest, known for his research in the field of sociology and public policy

Obiectivele proiectului:

  • Creating a map of longevity in Romania.
  • Identifying the factors favouring longevity in the "blue zones" of Romania.
  • Harnessing evidence in public health and prevention policies to change behaviour and extend life.
  • Development, in partnership with the Romanian Society of Lifestyle Medicine, of a project aimed at implementing examples of good practice in the "blue zones" of Romania to create a "built environment" for healthy longevity.

Project methodology

The project targets individuals over the age of 90 and centenarians, involving a quantitative and qualitative analysis of data on the long-lived in Romania. The quantitative analysis encompasses the numerical and regional identification of these individuals, while the qualitative analysis is focused on the identification of longevity factors, an analysis of the profile of seniors, their diet, habits, medical characteristics, blood group and other parameters that can outline the profile of a "longevity blue zone".

The "Blue Zones of Longevity in Romania" project serves to complement and present for the first time a map of blue zones across the country, thereby highlighting the lifestyle of Romanian seniors who live significantly longer than the population average.

About the blue zones

"Blue Zones" is used to describe geographical regions where the average lifespan of the population is significantly longer than the global average, and where the prevalence of chronic diseases is relatively low. These regions are distinguished by a lifestyle that is conducive to good health, encompassing a balanced diet, regular physical activity, strong social ties, and low stress. In these communities, residents often live beyond 90 or even 100 years of age. Studying these communities provides valuable insights into the factors that contribute to human longevity.

Dan Buettner, a renowned National Geographic explorer and bestselling author, initiated a project in 2000 to investigate the phenomenon of longevity in various global communities, which he subsequently documented in his first book on the subject in 2008. Since that time, he has continued to explore and write new books about the blue zone lifestyle. The locations of interest include Ikaria, Okinawa, Sardinia, Nicoya and Loma Linda.


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