The Romanian dream of Bianca Ghinoiu, the researcher enrolled in the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign: nothing stands in our way

Bianca Ghinoiu, a recent addition to the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, exemplifies ambition and determination. From an early age, Bianca aspired to become an engineer and contribute to Romania's development. She is now the first engineer in her family and a young woman who has achieved her goals through diligence and resilience.

Bianca Ghinoiu, a graduate of a Master's programme in Artificial Intelligence, is currently a PhD student at the Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy. In this esteemed institution, she is engaged in pioneering research in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Mechatronics.

In the current year, Bianca was afforded the opportunity to engage with an international project in China, where she was acknowledged for her innovative application, entitled "Control of Aerial Robots using Electroencephalograms". This achievement not only brought her international recognition, but also demonstrated the potential of young Romanian researchers to contribute to global technological advancement.

Bianca Ghinoiu is convinced that our country offers great opportunities for talented and ambitious young people who want to make a difference: "nothing stands in our way to be successful in Romania," says Bianca.

Bianca's participation in the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" initiative exemplifies her dedication to advancing the country's development. The Dan Voiculescu Foundation maintains its commitment to supporting Romania's outstanding young individuals, equipping them with the necessary resources and opportunities to achieve their full potential.

Bianca Ghinoiu's story is an inspiring one, exemplifying the potential for young people in Romania to achieve remarkable outcomes through education, dedication, and resilience. Her involvement in the 100 Youngsters for Romania's Development campaign represents a significant milestone, marking the beginning of a trajectory characterised by notable accomplishments and pioneering contributions. Bianca's journey illustrates that success is not constrained by limitations when driven by a passion for excellence and a commitment to excellence.

The "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign was initiated with the intention of fostering national unity and identity. Its objective is to highlight the accomplishments of Romania's most distinguished children and young people, who have achieved renown on a national and international scale through their passion, dedication, and talent.

The 100 young people who have brought great credit to Romania and who have distinguished themselves through their exemplary performances will be included in the inaugural catalogue of Romanian excellence, which will be launched by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania at the end of this year.
