Find out how you can bring the years ahead to life! The Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania organizes a new edition of the International Conference on Longevity and Gerontology

The Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania organizes a new edition of the International Conference on Longevity and Gerontology The event will take place on March 29, starting at 15.00 and is organized by the Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, in partnership with the Romanian Society of Lifestyle Medicine. [...]

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Concurenţă record la Facultatea de Medicină din Bucureşti

Concurenţă record la Facultatea de Medicină din Bucureşti. După primele şase zile de înscrieri, numărul concurenţilor a ajuns la 4,6 pe loc, mai mulţi şi decât anul trecut, când s-a înregistrat recordul de candidaţi din ultimii 20 de ani. Mulţi dintre tineri spun că au ales să dea examenul de admitere la Medicină din pasiune. […]

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