The only national interdisciplinary competition in Romania - Aristotel, edition 2024, was launched by Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania

Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României a lansat concursul național interdiscilinar „Aristotel”, ediția 2024. Concursul este destinat elevilor înscriși în clasele pregătitoare, primare (I-IV) și gimnaziale (V-VIII) din cadrul școlilor de stat sau private. Concursul, aflat la cea de-a XIV-a ediție, beneficiază de recunoaștere în domeniul educațional, fiind singurul concurs avizat de autorități și care face parte din calendarul aprobat al activităților educative municipale al Municipiului București. „Aristotel” este unicul concurs interdisciplinar din țară care testează și inteligența emoțională a copiilor.

This initiative, unique in Romania, provides a framework for stimulating the spirit of competition, encouraging creativity and discovering new areas of interest for students. Through an interdisciplinary approach, students are encouraged to explore connections between different fields of knowledge, develop their critical thinking and enhance their creativity. It also supports the discovery of skills, the development of critical thinking and the authentic evaluation of logic.

One of the distinctive features of the Aristotel Competition is that it encourages students to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical way and to demonstrate their competences in a realistic and stimulating environment.

Înscrierile în concurs au loc în perioada 11 aprilie – 7 iunie pe

In an ever-changing and evolving society, it is of the utmost importance to invest in education and to develop the potential of young people if we are to progress as a nation. The National Interdisciplinary Aristotle Competition represents a significant step forward in this regard, offering students the opportunity to develop and be discovered by experts in the field of educational excellence.
