The Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania invites visionary inventors to win the SAB 2024 Scholarship.

UPDATE: Termenul de înscriere pentru BURSA SAB 2024 s-a prelungit până pe 25 septembrie!

Ca urmare a numeroaselor cereri primite și pentru a oferi cât mai multor inventatori români oportunitatea de a-și prezenta ideile inovatoare, am decis să prelungim termenul de înscriere la BURSA SAB 2024 până pe 25 septembrie 2024. Ne dorim să vedem cât mai multe idei originale și inovatoare, capabile să contribuie la dezvoltarea României.

The Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania launches the national competition SAB 2024 Scholarship. This visionary project is dedicated to those who dream of shaping the future through engineering and artificial intelligence, providing a platform to develop and promote projects and inventions that can redefine urban mobility.

This flagship competition, organized in partnership with Salonul Auto București & Accesorii, we seek to discover and promote groundbreaking projects and inventions that can redefine the way we live and travel in our cities. The competition encourages creative thinking and the use of artificial intelligence to propose solutions that make urban transportation safer, more efficient and sustainable.

The winner will receive a prize of €5,000 and the opportunity to present their project to the Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania during the Bucharest Auto & Accessories Show, 1-6 October 2024 at Romexpo. This is a unique opportunity to interact with automotive industry leaders and turn ideas into reality.

Competition theme and objectives

In order to create a better world, transforming urban mobility is not just a vision but a concrete mission. Inventions are the engine that propels society forward and turns ideas into reality. By stimulating inventiveness in engineering, we aim not only to solve today's problems, but also to anticipate tomorrow's challenges.

This year's theme, "AI - Green Urban Mobility Architect",invites participants to harness the power of AI to propose engineering projects that anticipate the challenges of the future and bring innovative solutions in areas such as: automation and systems engineering, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering and robotics, electrical engineering, transportation, materials engineering, chemical engineering, etc..

Awards and recognition

The most innovative project will be rewarded with the prestigious SAB 2024 Scholarship, which offers a prize of €5,000. This award not only brings national recognition, but also opportunities to meet and collaborate with industry leaders to turn ideas into concrete solutions that will shape the future of mobility. The grand prize will be awarded at the Bucharest Auto & Accessories Show, which will take place October 1-6, 2024, in pavilion B2 of Romexpo.

Who can participate

The national competition Bursa SAB 2024 is open to all Romanian citizens, whether they live in the country or abroad, and encourages both individual and team participation.

How to apply

To take part, read the Official Rules and fill in the application form and make sure that your project includes a detailed description of the proposed solutions, highlighting their novelty, applicability and social impact.

In order to be eligible, applications must include a Curriculum Vitae (CV) with detailed information about the participant or team, a detailed description of the project and the use of AI in green urban mobility, a participation agreement and consent to the processing of personal data under GDPR, as well as presentation materials such as photos, videos or documents describing the proposed product or innovation.

Competition calendar

  • Project submission: August 2024 - September 14, 2024
  • Project evaluation: September 15, 2024 - September 25, 2024
  • Announcing the winner and award ceremony: during an event at the Bucharest Motor Show and Accessories 2024, October 1-6 at Romexpo.

Project evaluation

The submitted projects will be evaluated by a panel of experts in the field of engineering and mobility, SAB representatives and representatives of The Scientific Senate of the FDVDR.

Don't miss your chance to be part of a wave of change! Submit your innovative project, shape the future and leave your mark on society!
