Ruxandra Orga-Dumitriu, Romania's youngest writer, in the 100 Youngsters for Romania's Development campaign

Ruxandra Orga-Dumitriu became the youngest writer in Romania at the age of 12, surprising and delighting the younger generation with two remarkable books. Currently, Ruxandra is a prominent figure in the field of children's literature, authoring works that serve not only as guides but also as sources of astonishment due to their profound depth and insight. Recently, Ruxandra joined the campaign, "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development," which is a nationwide initiative of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania.

International impact and literary debut

With two volumes already published, namely "Povestiri din suflet de suflet de copil" and "O Călătorie în Lumea Calităților și a Defectelor", Ruxandra has attracted the attention and admiration of the public both in Romania and abroad. The two volumes are available for purchase at the most prestigious bookstores in Romania, as well as at Virgo eBooks in New York. These works have been integrated into educational programmes in schools, with educators utilising her stories as valuable teaching tools. Ruxandra has thus become a role model, contributing to the education of the younger generation through her writing.

National and international recognition

Ruxandra's talent was not only admired by the general public but also by prominent figures in Romanian society. Constantin Necula commended both books, describing "O Călătorie în Lumea Calităților și a Defectelor" as "a genuine educational proposal, a book that truly speaks!" Furthermore, Ruxandra was acknowledged by the esteemed Forbes Kids Romania magazine, where her achievements were highlighted, emphasising her positive influence on children throughout the country.

100 Youngsters for Romania's Development campaign

Recently, Ruxandra joined the national campaign "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development," which is organised by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania with the objective of identifying and promoting young people whose creativity and talent could contribute to a more promising future for Romania. Ruxandra represents an exemplary case within her generation, demonstrating that age is not an obstacle to achieving significant global impact.

Projects and recent achievements

The success of her books was not confined to the printed pages. In 2022, the Gong Theater in Sibiu staged the premiere of "O Călătorie în Lumea Calităților și a Defectelor", a theatrical adaptation of Ruxandra's book. This achievement marks her as the youngest Romanian author whose work has been adapted for the stage. Meanwhile, the five performances have delighted in excess of 2,000 children, who have been fascinated by the magical world of qualities and flaws. Another pioneering initiative was the installation of a hologram of Ruxandra at the entrance of the Sadu library in Sibiu County, with the objective of motivating children and young people to engage with reading and visit the library. Furthermore, in June of the previous year, 20,000 copies of her short stories were distributed free of charge in 11 shopping malls across the country as part of a campaign to promote reading among children.

A bright future

Ruxandra is currently enrolled in the 10th grade at the "Octavian Goga" National High School in Sibiu. She is also a laureate of the national literary contest "Tinere condeie," having been awarded first prize in the middle school section. The jury, comprising five esteemed writers, awarded her a grade of 10, thereby acknowledging the merit and potential of her writing. Her books, which are also available in audio format narrated by the author herself to a piano background score played by the author, continue to inspire and enrich children's imagination. „Povestiri din suflet de copil” and „O Călătorie în Lumea Calităților și a Defectelor” have been translated into English, with an audiobook also available. They offer an educational and moving journey, providing valuable insights into human qualities and flaws, and are suitable for both primary and secondary school students.

Ruxandra Orga-Dumitriu represents not only a promising future for Romanian literature but also an inspiration for children aspiring to effect change through their creativity and courage. Her writing evinces the transformative and educational potential of stories in a time when authentic values and landmarks are needed more than ever.

The "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign was initiated with the intention of fostering national unity and identity. Its objective is to highlight the accomplishments of Romania's most distinguished children and young people, who have achieved renown on a national and international scale through their passion, dedication, and talent.

The 100 young people who have brought great credit to Romania and who have distinguished themselves through their exemplary performances will be included in the inaugural catalogue of Romanian excellence, which will be launched by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania at the end of this year.
