The project "Romania's Blue Zones", launched by the Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania. An example of longevity - Galicea Commune, Valcea

In the near future, Romania will have a detailed longevity map, a tool that promises to alter the perspective on health in old age. The "Blue Zones of Longevity" project, initiated by the Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, involves a group of renowned experts who will scientifically analyse localities with a high percentage of seniors over the age of 90. The objective is to identify and analyse the specific longevity factors present in these areas.

An example of longevity - Comuna Galicea, Vâlcea

In certain regions of Romania, the passage of time is perceived to leave fewer visible marks on individuals, and the process of healing from wounds is perceived to occur more rapidly. The county of Valcea is notable for its high life expectancy, which exceeds 81 years. Galicea commune is a particularly illustrative example, with a high proportion of elderly residents. Among these individuals, Ilie Ciocan, aged 111, is the oldest man in Romania, the Balkans, and the second oldest in Europe.

Camelia Ciocan, his granddaughter, talks about her grandfather's life and philosophy.

In the past, periods of famine were a common occurrence. One such instance involved the boiling of alfalfa, a plant with nutritional value, to create a soup that was consumed by children and the elderly. The longevity of this individual can be attributed to a positive outlook on life and a sense of gratitude for the blessings he has received.”, says Camelia Ciocan. 

Life lessons from Galicea seniors

In the commune of Galicea, there are numerous individuals who have reached the age of 100 and above, with 10% of the population comprising those aged 65 and above. In the near future, another local will reach the age of 100. He has expressed his belief that his work provides him with a source of energy and resilience.

At the age of 13, I relocated from my place of residence to Valcea, where I was subsequently caught up in the Second World War. A love of work is an essential component of a long and beautiful life. Peace and the avoidance of quarrels contribute to this.

At 86 years old, Mr. Polifronie Vlăsceanu has not lost his smile and his desire to help others. A former chef and teacher for 41 years, he shares the secret of his longevity.

God is stronger than all. We ate healthy because we ate what we produced. We had chickens, cows, pigs, everything.”, states Polifronie Vlăsceanu.

In a recent interview, Petru Vlăsceanu, a former teacher who is now 93 years old, emphasized the significance of support, understanding, and forgiveness in married life. He asserts that these values have been instrumental in sustaining their mutual love and respect over time.

The research conducted by the Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors that contribute to a long life. The Longevity Map will be complemented by a qualitative study analysing genetic factors, lifestyle, diet, physical activity and environmental quality. This ambitious project has the potential to influence public health policies and promote a healthy lifestyle for all Romanians.


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