"Profa Cool" innovates education in Romania. The success story of a young teacher who reached the final of the "League of Exceptional Teachers" campaign

Cristina Maria Ene, an English and Romanian language teacher at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Secondary School in Bucharest, has distinguished herself in just three years of teaching through her innovative teaching methods and unwavering commitment to education. Cristina Maria Ene, who is known as "Profa Cool", has established an extensive online following, with 123,000 Instagram followers and almost 75,000 on TikTok. She employs a distinctive approach to promoting English language learning, which involves singing.

Her outstanding results in education have been recognized, reaching the finals of the national campaign "League of Exceptional Teachers", initiated by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania. This nomination comes in recognition of his continued efforts to bring innovation to education and inspire students to learn with pleasure.

With a motto that reflects her vision of education – "Education is the basis of society and I want a change, I want to be a voice of change, to influence young generations in a positive way" – Cristina Ene is not only a teacher but also an artist. Her musical talent manifests itself not only in composing music and lyrics, but also in participating in concerts and cultural events. Her presence on Antena1's "Neatza with Răzvan and Dani" has further extended her impact, promoting the idea that learning can be both educational and fun.

Publicul are acum oportunitatea să sprijine viziunea Cristinei Ene prin votul online care va avea loc între 17 iunie și 15 iulie pe vot.fundatiadanvoiculescu.ro. Este un moment crucial pentru a recunoaște și celebra profesorii care transformă educația românească și care sunt cu adevărat voci ale schimbării.

All teachers who qualify for the finals will be rewarded according to the number of votes received with educational camps in the summer of 2024, educational materials, Samsung tablets, Kindle readers or encyclopaedias. A total of 30,000 lei, 20,000 lei, and 10,000 lei will be awarded as merit scholarships to the first three students in the following academic year.


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