The story of a genius: Ruben Ghidiceanu writes history in Romanian music and joins the 100 Youngsters for Romania's Development campaign

At just 17, Ruben Ghidiceanu is an example of excellence and dedication, a young man whose story inspires and promises a bright future for Romanian musical culture. Ruben was included in the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign, run at national level by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania. Raised in a family of music teachers, his talent came to the fore as a child when his parents discovered that he had perfect pitch - a rare gift that took him to the big stages of music.

Ruben commenced his piano studies at an early age, initially regarding the instrument as an "interesting toy". He subsequently received tuition from a number of highly regarded instructors, including Edward Man and Mariana Ilie from the "Marin Sorescu" High School of Arts in Craiova and Maestro Daniel Goiți from the "Gheorghe Dima" Music Academy in Cluj-Napoca. Under their guidance, he has developed his abilities to a remarkable degree.

His endeavours have been duly acknowledged with a plethora of accolades and commendations bestowed upon him by the music community. At the tender age of six, he secured his inaugural significant accolade at the National Competition "Young Talents" in Bucharest, thereby paving the way for a multitude of subsequent achievements. At the age of nine, he made his debut as a soloist-pianist at the Romanian Athenaeum, performing with the "Dr. Ermil Nichifor" Doctors' Orchestra under the direction of Maestro Iosif Ion Prunner. Subsequently, he has continued to excel in esteemed international competitions, including the International Music Competition in Serbia and the Concours Musical de France, garnering acclaim from audiences across the globe.

One of his most significant achievements was his recital at the George Enescu International Festival in Bucharest, which represented a pivotal moment in the career of any Romanian musician. Ruben has continued to delight audiences in Romania and abroad, performing with esteemed orchestras and offering memorable musical experiences on stages such as the Romanian Athenaeum and the Oltenia Philharmonic. To date, he has collaborated with eminent conductors including Gheorghe Costin, Constantin Grigore, Alexandru Iosub, Tiberiu Oprea and Radu Zaharia, performing concerts of the works of Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach and Felix Mendelssohn. His performances have been well received by both the general public and music critics alike.

In addition to his work as a pianist, Ruben also demonstrates considerable skill as a composer, with works that have been well-received by both audiences and critics. His carols and instrumental and choral pieces evince a depth of emotional expression and artistic maturity that is uncommon in a musician of his age.

Alongside his musical activities, Ruben is a young man full of diverse passions, from chess and swimming to gardening and his love for his pets. He demonstrates that excellence is not only about musical talent, but also about a holistic outlook on life.

In creating each note and composition, Ruben Ghidiceanu not only establishes a successful musical career but also makes a valuable contribution to the promotion of Romanian excellence on the international stage. Ruben Ghidiceanu is not only an accomplished pianist and composer, but also a young man with a keen interest in contributing to the cultural development of Romania. As part of the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign, Ruben is notable for his unwavering dedication and aspiration to elevate the profile of Romanian music on the global stage.

The campaign, entitled "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development", was initiated with the objective of celebrating national unity and identity. Its purpose is to highlight the stories and achievements of the most remarkable children and young people in Romania, who have succeeded in making a name for themselves at the national and international levels due to their passion, dedication and talent. The 100 individuals who evince pride in Romanian identity and have distinguished themselves through exemplary achievements will be included in the inaugural catalogue of Romanian excellence, to be launched by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania's Development.
