Olivia Oprea, a young soprano of fifteen years, has made a significant impact on the classical music world by becoming the only child in Europe to perform at this level in classical singing. Her remarkable talent and unwavering determination have garnered her recognition both in Romania and on the international stage. Olivia is part of the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign, which is managed by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania. The campaign's objective is to showcase the narratives and accomplishments of exceptional young individuals who exemplify remarkable talent and dedication, thereby serving as role models for future generations.
Pasiunea Oliviei pentru muzică a prins contur la doar 2 ani, când își petrecea timpul alături de bunica sa, imitând vocile sopranelor pe care le auzea la televizor.
„"My grandmother was not a soprano, but she loved opera. That's how it all started, and when I was 5 I started singing and piano lessons," says Olivia.
Acum, la 16 ani, tânăra soprană își împarte timpul între două instituții prestigioase: Colegiul Național de Arte „Dinu Lipatti” din București și Guildhall School of Music and Drama din Londra. De anul viitor, Olivia va studia la renumitul Colegiu Purcell din Londra, o etapă importantă în îndeplinirea visului său de a cânta pe cele mai mari scene ale lumii.
Cariera Oliviei este deja impresionantă. În 2024, a obținut Premiul I la Concursul Grand Prize Virtuoso Awards din Oxford, o performanță remarcabilă pentru un artist atât de tânăr. Mihaela Tomescu, președinta Fundației Culturale „Remember Enescu”, declară:
„Olivia is a wonderful soprano. Her excellent results and Oxford prize are a source of pride. Her appearances on stage are always a joy.”
On the occasion of the winter holidays, Olivia treated the audience to a special moment with a traditional carol. Her unique voice brought a touch of emotion and joy, recalling the beauty of Christmas.
Olivia Oprea is a prime example of a young artist who has garnered widespread inspiration for a generation of individuals. Through her exceptional talent, unwavering dedication, and unassuming demeanor, she has demonstrated that aspirations can be realized and that the future of Romanian music on the most prominent international stages is promising.