One competition, countless success stories: the League of Exceptional Teachers. Entries for the national competition now closed

 The Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania recently concluded the registration phase for the "League of Exceptional Teachers" competition, a national event that recognises and rewards excellence in education. By 4 June, the campaign had attracted hundreds of teachers from across the country, with many more expressing their support through grateful students. This demonstrated a clear commitment to the educational process.

The competition is distinguished by its distinctive methodology, which encompasses not only academic performance but also the variety of pedagogical approaches and the dedication of educators to their students. A panel of education experts will evaluate the applications to select 20 finalists, whose names will be announced on 10 June. Subsequently, the general public will be invited to cast their votes online for their preferred candidates at

The official partner of the competition, Fischer International, will present special prizes. These include educational camps, teaching materials in English, laptops, e-book readers and encyclopaedias, all of which have been designed to support  activitatea didactică.

The Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania and Fischer International reaffirm their commitment to enhancing the quality of education in Romania through this competition, which offers recognition to teachers who exemplify excellence in their profession through their passion and innovative teaching methods.

The general public is invited to participate in the voting process, thereby contributing to the selection of the teacher who will be bestowed with the title of the best in Romania. This title not only reflects prestige but also carries with it a responsibility to inspire future generations of students.

The "League of Exceptional Teachers" represents a significant development in the Romanian educational landscape, emphasising the significance of acknowledging and commemorating those who, on a daily basis, contribute to the shaping of future society through education.


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