Category: Education and Culture News

O minte sclipitoare copii supradotați, copii geniali romania

"A Brilliant Mind" programme for gifted children and young people in Romania

The 'A Brilliant Mind' programme is running during this period. It is aimed at gifted children and young people in Romania Our country has the highest number of gifted children in Europe, according to statistics. Romania ranks first in this respect, with one in six children having a brilliant mind. However, the good news comes with [...]. Read More
știri false școala de vară 2023

Fake news - how do we recognise it? FDVDR Summer School trains young people to fight misinformation

One of the courses at the FDVDR Summer School was about fake news and how we combat this phenomenon. Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania is organising the extracurricular educational programme FDVDR Summer School. The courses held in the first week of August were on reading and communication and brought together specialists from the [...]

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Enrolment in the Summer School educational programme continues for August courses

We are receiving applications for the remaining August courses in the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania Summer School educational program. The project is free of charge for children between 8 and 16 years old. Children and young people who have missed the registration session but wish to join the Summer School [...] Read More
Program educațional școala de vară 2023

Educational programme: the magic of books and the spell of communication at the FDVDR Summer School

The FDVDR Summer School, an educational holiday programme organised by Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, continues this week with a new exceptional educational initiative. It is a course aimed at children who are passionate about reading and curious to explore the world of communication. This course is more than just reading. [...]

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Voluntari internaționali

Trei voluntari internaționali au venit la Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României, printr-un parteneriat cu AIESEC

Trei voluntari internaționali au venit la Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României, în perioada 26 iunie – 30 iulie. Totul a fost posibil datorită unui parteneriat cu AIESEC. Împărtășind din experiența educațională proprie, voluntarii au participat activ la proiectele pe care Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României le organizează. În cadrul programului de voluntariat cei [...] Read More
educatie, scoala de vara 02023

Romania's Heritage in UNESCO: Protecting Cultural Heritage through Education

Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania is currently running a comprehensive national education programme for students, called FDVDR Summer School. The programme is free of charge and complements the school curriculum, is aimed at children and young toddlers aged 8 - 16 years and runs for seven thematic weeks, from 10 [...]

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Beneficiile scrisului de mână

The benefits of handwriting in the digital age: FDVDR signals the importance of reintroducing calligraphy into the school curriculum

The WEBDIDACTICA conference "The Benefits of Handwriting in the Age of Digital Education" recently took place and was attended live by more than 2000 people: heads of educational institutions, teachers and parents concerned about what is happening in education. The event was organised by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania (FDVDR), and was the fifth [...]

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Teachers and parents, present at a new WEBDIDACTICA conference "The benefits of handwriting in the age of digital education"

O nouă conferință WEBDIDACTICA, cu tema „Beneficiile scrisului de mână, în era educației digitale” a avut loc pe 26 iulie, începând cu ora 17:00. Evenimentul s-a desfășurat online, pe platforma de videoconferințe Zoom Webinars. Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României a adus, față în față, psihologi de renume, specialiști ai Societății Europene de Neurologie și […]

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Conferința WEBDIDACTICA: „Beneficiile scrisului de mână, în era educației digitale” - Invitație pentru profesori, părinți și copii

WEBDIDACTICA Conference: "The benefits of handwriting in the age of digital education" - Invitation for teachers, parents and children

A cincea conferință WEBDIDACTICA din 2023 este organizată de Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României, în data de 26 iulie. Tema acestei ediții este: „Beneficiile scrisului de mână, în era educației digitale”. Înscrierea și participarea la această conferință sunt gratuite iar cei interesați se pot înscrie până pe 25 iulie, inclusiv, pe Conferința face [...] Read More

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