A day with Mozart: Camil Tiron, 13, writes scores for a full orchestra, composes two symphonies and joins the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign.

Camil Tiron has been engaged in musical performance since the age of six. Born on the same day as his most admired composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, on 28 January, Tiron commenced piano study without any knowledge of musical notation. Subsequently, he was mentored by his piano teacher, and he proceeded to win numerous piano competitions, including one national and several international ones. However, he considers the audience to be the most important aspect of his performances. In recent times, Camil has been enrolled in the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign, which is run at the national level by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania. 


Currently, Camil Tiron is a student at the "Ștefan Odobleja" Theoretical High School and attends the Popular School of Arts No. 3 in Bucharest. Camil was not content with merely playing the piano and began composing. At the outset, he composed a greater variety of pieces, including fantasies, sonatinas, and sonatas, all for the piano. These early compositions evolved into more complex compositions. 


Magia Crăciunului din 2022 i-a adus lui Camil un violoncel. Instrumentul muzical a venit la pachet și cu un profesor, care l-a ghidat pe culmi înalte. Ulterior, tânărul a fost inclus în orchestra formată de dirijorul Corului Regal, Răzvan Apetrei, cu îndrăgitul său instrument, violoncelul. 


In addition to his proficiency in two instruments, the piano and the cello, Camil has also acquired the ability to play the ocarina, the blockflute, the marimba, the ukulele, the guitar, the tarabana, the harpsichord, and the spinet. All of these instruments are necessary, as the young man is already writing scores for a full orchestra and is currently working on two symphonies. Despite having been studying the cello for a year, Camil was advised by his coordinating teacher to take the exam for direct admission to Year VII. He was successful in this endeavour, achieving a grade of 10. 


The composer's oeuvre encompasses over 50 compositions, encompassing works for piano and cello, as well as vocal-symphonic pieces. The composer has created 25 works for piano, three chamber music pieces, 10 pieces for orchestra, and three vocal-symphonic pieces. 


Camil's most significant accolades include: First Prize at the National Competition "The Youngest Instrumentalists", George Enescu National College of Music, 2019; First Prize and Special Prize for Originality at the Competition "Allegretto" 10th edition, 2022; First Prize of Excellence at the International Competition "Accomplished Talents", George Enescu National College of Music, 2023; First Prize of Excellence at the International Interpretation Competition "Scherzo", 2023. 


The "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign was initiated with the intention of fostering national unity and identity. Its objective is to highlight the accomplishments of Romania's most distinguished children and young people, who have achieved renown on a national and international scale through their passion, dedication, and talent.


The 100 young people who have brought great credit to Romania and who have distinguished themselves through their exemplary performances will be included in the inaugural catalogue of Romanian excellence, which will be launched by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania at the end of this year.


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