Karlos Tănăsucă, the little math genius, enrolled in the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign

Karlos Tănăsucă, a 10-year-old boy from Iași, has astonished the entire country with his exceptional mathematical abilities. Karlos Tănăsucă is enrolled in the "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign, which is run nationwide by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania. He is a living example of precocious genius and dedication. From an early age, he demonstrated a remarkable ability to solve complex calculations in record time. Currently, he can solve an exercise consisting of 70 terms in a record time of just 0.5 seconds.

Moreover, the gifted individual from Iași is capable of performing two complex calculations simultaneously while reciting poetry.This exceptional ability has propelled him to the pinnacle of international mathematical competition. At the International Olympiad "Arithmetic Cup 2023", Karlos performed 200 calculations with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentages and multi-term radicals in just 30 minutes. His remarkable speed and accuracy earned him first place at the International Mental Mathematics Olympiad, HORUS 8, organised by the World Mathematics League in Barcelona.

Karlos aspires to become an IT specialist and effect a revolutionary change in the technology field. He aims to create world-changing innovations while simultaneously providing support to his father, who has been a constant source of guidance and assistance since the beginning. Karlos' mother left him at the age of two, and his father has made significant personal sacrifices to ensure his son's well-being and future.

Karlos trains daily, dedicating his time to perfecting his math skills and preparing for new challenges. Perseverance and discipline are key in this talented young man's life, and the results are impressive.

In the current year, Karlos will be participating in the globally renowned programme, Britain's Got Talent. This will afford him the opportunity to demonstrate his abilities before an international audience. It is an invaluable chance to exhibit his talent on a global platform and motivate other young people to pursue their aspirations and realise their full potential.

Karlos Tănăsucă's story serves as an exemplar for those who espouse the tenets of the transformative potential of education and the capacity of determination to effect change. With the requisite support and an unyielding resolve, any aspiration can be actualized. Karlos illustrates that irrespective of the vicissitudes of life, excellence and success are attainable for those who apply themselves assiduously and never abandon their quest.

The "100 Youngsters for Romania's Development" campaign was initiated with the intention of fostering national unity and identity. Its objective is to highlight the accomplishments of Romania's most distinguished children and young people, who have achieved renown on a national and international scale through their passion, dedication, and talent.

The 100 young people who have brought great credit to Romania and who have distinguished themselves through their exemplary performances will be included in the inaugural catalogue of Romanian excellence, which will be launched by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania at the end of this year.
