Questions of contemporary longevity: why women are living longer and the importance of mental health care

According to Eurostat data, women in the European Union enjoy a life expectancy at birth of 82.9 years, while men have a life expectancy of 77.2 years. In Romania, the difference is even more pronounced: women live on average 76.6 years, almost seven and a half years longer than men, who have a life expectancy of 69.2 years.

Research suggests that one of the explanations for this significant difference is the way women approach mental health. Expressing emotions openly can be a form of emotional release that helps to reduce stress and lower the risk of stress-related illnesses. Dr Radu Baila, a specialist in lifestyle medicine, discussed the influence of stress on longevity at the International Longevity Conference organised by the Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania. He emphasised that effective stress management can have a positive impact on longevity.

In addition to managing emotions and stress, women tend to be more proactive about preventive healthcare and healthy lifestyles. This includes a balanced diet and regular exercise - essential for long-term health.

Mental health is a fundamental pillar in maintaining general wellbeing and longevity. Chronic stress can wreak havoc on the body, accelerating the ageing process and increasing the risk of chronic disease. Addressing mental health is therefore not only a quality of life issue, but also one that can have a direct impact on longevity.

The implementation of efficacious mental health care strategies, such as psychotherapy, meditation, and relaxation techniques, can assist in the management of stress. These practices have been demonstrated to reduce the levels of stress hormones in the body and to promote well-being. Furthermore, the establishment of a supportive social environment and the encouragement of open discourse about mental health can exert a considerable influence on longevity.

In conclusion, it can be stated that the combination of mental healthcare, emotional expression, preventive care and a healthy lifestyle contribute to the longevity of women. It is imperative that these elements are promoted and facilitated through the implementation of public policies and personal initiatives, with the objective of enhancing the quality of life for all individuals.


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