Innovation and inclusion in Romanian education: The story of teacher Codruț Gabriel Morariu, finalist of the "League of Exceptional Teachers" campaign

In the heart of Târgu Mureș, at the "Liviu Rebreanu" Secondary School, a dedicated teacher is effecting positive change in the lives of his students. Codruț Gabriel Morariu, with 27 years of experience in primary education, is renowned for his innovative approaches and creativity in education. A finalist in the national campaign "League of Exceptional Teachers," he has demonstrated that passion and dedication can transform education into an unforgettable experience for children.

Codruț Gabriel Morariu is known for his use of technology in education. He obtained essential funding to equip primary classrooms with digital equipment, promoting the use of educational platforms. These initiatives have facilitated the transition to online learning, ensuring the continuity of the learning process in optimal conditions.

In order to encourage children to engage in sporting activities, Codruț Gabriel Morariu has collaborated with the Romanian Football Federation, organising workshops on best practice. This year, he has been awarded two grants of 300,000 lei each for the participatory budgeting projects "Nature-friendly courtyards" and "Health alley". The objective of these projects is to enhance the conditions for outdoor sports and recreational activities, thereby promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Professor Morariu idenifies a need for education to extend beyond the confines of the classroom. He organises trips, hikes and camps with the intention of broadening children's experiences and strengthening interpersonal relationships. These activities are of critical importance for students' social and emotional development.

Codruț Gabriel Morariu is an active proponent of inclusion, striving to ensure access to education for children from disadvantaged backgrounds and with special educational needs. He has distinguished himself by employing contemporary applications in the teaching process and has been appointed to the body of experts in Open Educational Digital Resources.

In addition to his teaching duties, Morariu has also participated in the transnational project "Online Education without Borders" as a mentor and has acted as a trainer in the programme "Digital Educational Resources: The implementation, use, and evaluation of these resources. These contributions evidence his dedication to disseminating his knowledge and expertise to other educators, thereby contributing to the advancement of a contemporary and efficacious educational framework.

Codruț Gabriel Morariu is an example of excellence in education, a teacher who combines innovation with inclusion and dedication. Finalist of the League of Exceptional Teachers campaign, he continues to inspire and transform the lives of his students, demonstrating that education can be a fascinating and successful journey. Codruț Gabriel Morariu and the other finalist teachers can be voted on


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