Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, educational partner of the "Gheorghe Lazăr" National High School Excellence Gala in Bucharest

The Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania is an educational partner of the "Gheorghe Lazăr" National High School Excellence Gala, an event that marks the outstanding achievements of the students of "Gheorghe Lazarus" National High School in Bucharest.

With a history of 164 years, "Gheorghe Lazăr" National College has distinguished itself through a rich and remarkable history, becoming a pillar of excellence in education in Romania. The educational institution has been and continues to be a beacon of knowledge and elite training, contributing significantly to the development of Romanian society through its generations of exceptional graduates.

Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României a premiat-o pe Andreea-Ștefania Șovăroiu, câștigătoare a categoriei „Performanță Școlară” și echipa de robotică Titans, câștigători ai categoriei „Promovarea Interesului pentru Știință și Inovare”.

Premiile au fost oferite de unii dintre partenerii culturali ai Fundației Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României – Teatrul Național București și Teatrul Masca.

The Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania remains committed to its mission of supporting education and encouraging talented young people, investing in their future and that of the country. The partnership with the Gala of Excellence is an important step in fulfilling this commitment.


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