Finalists of the National Interdisciplinary Competition "Aristotel" awarded for their outstanding performances

The finalists of the National Interdisciplinary Competition "Aristotel", who obtained the maximum score, were awarded by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania. These exceptional students have demonstrated a high level of knowledge and skills in various fields, achieving outstanding performances.

Each finalist was presented with an array of exceptional educational materials and invaluable books to assist them in pursuing their academic pursuits. Additionally, they were presented with the Diploma of Excellence, an award that certifies their exemplary achievements and dedication to learning. The awards serve not only to acknowledge the dedication and abilities of these students, but also to encourage them to pursue further studies and to expand their knowledge in a variety of fields.

Congratulations to all the finalists on their impressive achievements!

Thousands of children from all over Romania took part in the 2024 edition of the national interdisciplinary competition "Aristotel". The massive and enthusiastic participation in this competition emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary education and the integral development of our children. Every participant deserves congratulations for their effort and dedication, contributing to a brighter and well-prepared future.

The "Aristotle" competition is the only national competition of its kind that has been accepted by the educational authorities and included in the official calendar of approved educational activities. This competition not only tests students' academic knowledge but also focuses on the development of emotional intelligence, thus providing them with a comprehensive framework to optimise their abilities.

We would like to express our gratitude to all those who participated in, and supported, this remarkable educational endeavour, including teachers and parents. We are pleased to be part of this process of growth and development and look forward to identifying and celebrating Romania's future talents.


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