Category: Press Releases

Finalists of the competition - Looking for the New Shakey organized by the Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation

The Looking for the New Shakey Awards will take place on Thursday 13 July 2023, starting at 10:00, at the Metropolis Theatre, Centenary Hall, Bucharest! *** The finalists of the Looking for the New Shakey contest organized by the Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation are: Cyber Tech from the Faculty of Engineering in Sibiu with the Autonomous Robot for collecting tennis balls [...]

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Intercultural collaboration. Three young people from the USA, Malaysia and Turkey will volunteer with FDVDR this summer

PRESS RELEASE Intercultural collaboration. Three young people from the USA, Malaysia and Turkey will volunteer this summer with FDVDR The Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, in partnership with the student association AISEC Romania, is organising one of the most relevant personal international volunteering experiences. The project, now in its second edition, aims to [...]

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Win an unforgettable experience! Last days to register for the "Camp of Your Dreams" competition

Hundreds of children have already signed up for the "Camp of Your Dreams" competition, organised by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, in collaboration with Fischer International, based on the latest recommendations from Cambridge experts on the latest methods of learning English. These are the last days when children and young people can still [...]

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Last days of entries for the Looking for the New Shakey robotics competition. Internationally successful teams among competitors

Romania's best young robotics enthusiasts have entered the first edition of the Robotics Competition "Looking for the New Shakey", organized by the Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania. Among the entrants are some of the most appreciated robotics teams from Romania and abroad, who have won numerous awards [...]

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"Camp of Your Dreams" - a summer programme based on the latest Cambridge expert recommendations

Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României, în colaborare cu Fischer International, implementează, în această vară, ultimele recomandări ale experților Cambridge cu privire la cele mai noi metode de învățare a limbii engleze. Ajuns la cea de-a doua ediție, programul intitulat „Tabăra Visurilor Tale” invită copiii pasionați de limba engleză să participe la o competiție premiată […]

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FDVDR Summer School, the most complex educational holiday program in Romania  

The Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania announces that today, June 20, registration for the most complex extra-curricular education program in Romania, called FDVDR Summer School, begins. For seven weeks, from July 10 to August 27, children and young people enrolled will have the opportunity to learn concepts in various fields, which come [...]

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What are the most desired extracurricular activities by students? Top preferences of FDVDR School students

Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, within the framework of the FDVDR School Program, organizes free, interactive and innovative courses for students from all over the country. The FDVDR School focuses on developing children's skills and abilities, stimulating imagination, creativity and critical thinking. In 2023, more than 2000 students enrolled in the various courses offered, and the top subjects [...]

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Achievement. Romania's gifted children test their skills in the national 'A brilliant mind' programme

Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României (FDVDR) derulează în această perioadă programul „O minte sclipitoare”, cel mai inovativ din România destinat copiilor și tinerilor supradotați. Înscrierile în program au fost deja finalizate și urmează în curând perioada de testări. Mai precis, copiii și tinerii înscriși vor susține în prima etapă testul de cultură generală. Cei […]

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Concluziile conferinței organizate de Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României – Cum să ne protejăm copiii de amenințările din mediul online

Cea de-a 4-a conferință WEBDIDACTICA, organizată recent, de Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României, a avut că temă “Securitatea informatică și siguranța copiilor în mediul online”. Experți în IT, comunicare, psihologie și reprezentanți ai autorităților publice au prezentat cele mai noi informații despre cum să ne protejăm copiii, în mediul online, de amenințările care au […]

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