Category: Press Releases

Winners of the national competition "Ten Libraries Rated 10": a brand new book collection and modern furniture for 10 school libraries in Romania

Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania announces the 10 winners of the national contest "10 Libraries Rated 10". Thus, 10 school libraries in Romania will receive a new book collection and modern furniture to create comfortable and inspiring reading spaces. The project aimed to support libraries in schools and high schools in the [...]

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The Union of the Romanian Principalities, marked by Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania

Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania marks the 165th anniversary of the Union of the United Principalities with two special actions dedicated to the crucial moment in the country's history, which laid the foundations of the modern Romanian state. Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania is launching two unique initiatives to mark the event 165 years ago, involving young [...]

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The first "Eminescu, the builder of the Romanian language" memorial theatre performance, launched on National Culture Day

Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania is launching, on 15 January, on the Day of National Culture, the first tribute theatre performance dedicated to the national poet Mihai Eminescu. Based on an original script, the show "Eminescu, the builder of the Romanian language" follows the story of the great poet's life, through his verses, starting from his youth, his communion with nature and the discovery of love, up to his maturity and the struggle with the Romanian society, which is still contemporary.

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The first chess courses start in 2024 for gifted children and young people in Romania

Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, in partnership with EasyChess, is organising chess courses for gifted children and young people aged between 8 and 18 from 27 January to 2 March 2024. Chess is an excellent activity and a valuable tool of strategy and logic, recognized by international specialists in studies for [...] Read More

Transforming education in the digital age. Visions and solutions at the WEBDIDACTICA conference "Education 2.0: Challenges and Opportunities for the School of the Future"

Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania organised the last conference of 2023. The WEBDIDACTICA event "Education 2.0: Challenges and Opportunities for the School of the Future" gathered top speakers from the field of education and technology. The panel discussion focused on the evolution of learning in the digital age, with a focus on the adaptability and integration of technology in education and how it can transform the interaction between teachers and students...

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"100 Youngsters for the Development of Romania" – Entries for the catalogue of excellence start!

The Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania is launching the "100 Youngsters for the Development of Romania" campaign on 1 December, National Day, under the banner of excellence. The campaign aims to bring to the forefront the stories and achievements of the most outstanding children and young people in Romania, who, through their passion, dedication and talent, have managed to make a name for themselves at [...] Read More

"Donate a new book, save an old library!" National campaign for collecting books for school libraries and promoting their importance.

„Donează o carte nouă, salvează o bibliotecă veche!” este cea mai recentă acțiune a campaniei „10 Biblioteci de nota 10”, lansată de Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României. Acțiunea  va oferi resurse educaționale elevilor din școlile și liceele din întreaga țară, promovând importanța unor biblioteci funcționale. Acțiunea, adresată tuturor persoanelor fizice și juridice ce intenționează […]

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