Winner of the contest "Cuza: Youth, Law and Reform": education will be a path to fulfillment

The Dan Voiculesulescu Foundation for the Development of Romania has selected the winner of the national competition "Cuza: youth, law and reform", which was organised to commemorate the 166th anniversary of the Union of the Romanian Principalities. Participants, hailing from various regions throughout the country and ranging in age from 14 to 25, were invited to envision themselves as Alexandru Ioan Cuza, the figure who is widely regarded as the architect of modern education in Romania. They were further tasked with the formulation of a radical reformation for the contemporary educational framework.

The winner of this year's edition is Bianca Baciu, a twelfth-grade student at the Technological High School No. 1 Luduș, Mureș County. She impressed the jury with an innovative vision for the future of education in Romania.

Bianca has proposed a comprehensive reform based on three key pillars: innovation, community engagement and personalized support for every student. The reform includes:

  • Setting up Innovation Centers in every school, equipped with modern technologies and supported by partnerships with universities and companies, where students can create, experiment and find solutions to real problems.
  • Community social projects, in which high school students proactively engage in addressing issues within their communities, effectively transitioning from theoretical education to tangible action with a profound impact.
  • Personalised mentoring, a pedagogical approach that entails the provision of bespoke guidance to each student by a dedicated teacher, with a view to fostering their personal and professional development.
  • Weekly hours dedicated to students' passions, to encourage autonomy and a desire for knowledge, under the guidance of mentors.

Bianca emphasized the importance of education reform for Romania's future:
"Education is the soul of the nation and the only path to greatness! We will not accept mediocrity. School must become the force that molds strong characters, sharp minds and souls dedicated to progress!

The competition, entitled "Cuza: Youth, Law and Reform", was organised by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania, an institution dedicated to the promotion of excellence and innovation in education. The initiative met with a positive response from young people across the country, signifying their interest in the pursuit of enhanced educational prospects.

All reforms proposed by young people will go to the Ministry of Education.

Here is the full reform proposed by Bianca Baciu:

"Dear brave nation, the Romanian people are at a crossroads! As in the past, when we laid the foundations of a modern state, so today a new great achievement is called for: the reform of education. Our young people are not ready for the challenges of the changing times, and the school, which should be the cornerstone of any strong nation, has been trapped in outdated, visionless methods. It is our duty to build a developed education system that will give all Romanians, whether they live in the villages or in the big cities, the chance of a great future. 

The education system in our country is currently facing significant challenges, characterised by a pervasive culture of distrust. Students arrive at school devoid of hope, teachers are compelled to teach according to outdated rules, and parents observe their children's future as a nebulous entity. The institution of education is theoretically intended to be a space for discovery and passion; however, it has evolved into a relentless pursuit of grades, diplomas and results that fail to accurately reflect one's true aptitude. The time is right to address these issues and establish a system that can restore the confidence and joy of learning to our young people. In order to guarantee the future of our nation, it is essential that education reform is comprehensive, ambitious and applicable to all Romanians. Education should be a catalyst for fulfilment, not a source of burden and distress.

I reckon we should set up "Innovation Centres" in every school, where students can create, experiment and find solutions to real problems. These centres, kitted out with modern technologies and supported by specialists and partnerships with universities and companies, will turn schools into places of progress, getting young people ready for the future. No time for theory, it's time for action!

We're setting up "Innovation and Problem Solving Centres" so students can develop social projects that meet their community's specific needs, putting into practice the knowledge they've gained. High school students will get involved in problem solving in their community and the high school will become a place where education becomes action for the good of the community. Young people will learn not only for themselves, but for the future of the whole society!

It's time to make school a place where young people not only learn, but choose to learn! We're going to set aside one hour each week for students to decide what subject they want to explore, whether it's a subject or a personal passion. With their teachers' guidance, students will explore what they're really passionate about. We're going to stop imposing things and encourage autonomy and a desire for knowledge!

As I said before, schools have to provide young people with knowledge, guidance and ongoing support. So, every pupil will have a mentor teacher, who will be responsible for their long-term guidance and development. This mentor will support the pupil, both in choosing topics to be explored in weekly lessons and in their overall educational path.With a mentor, a student will never get lost. We'll make sure you get the support you need to reach your full potential!

Education is the heart and soul of our nation, and it's the key to our future success. We're not going to settle for anything less than excellence, and we won't let our future generations get lost in a sea of carelessness. Schools need to be the place that shapes strong characters, smart minds, and people who are passionate about progress. We're going to use our young people to propel Romania forward. We're going to build an education system that's up to the challenge of a proud and united nation! Now is the time to take action, to be bold, and to achieve victory!
