The Scientific Senate becomes a consultant of the Gerontology Research Group in Romania

The Scientific Senate of the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania is pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Lăcrămioara Frăsineanu, Project Manager of the Scientific Senate, as a consultant of the esteemed American organisation Gerontology Research Group in Romania.
The Gerontology Research Group is internationally renowned for its monitoring and analysis of supercentenarians across the globe, with the objective of identifying and elucidating the factors that contribute to longevity. In this context, the collaboration with the Scientific Senate of the FDVDR represents a significant advancement in the field of longevity research in Romania.
Mr. Ilie Ciocan, a 111-year-old resident of Valcea County, Romania, represents a remarkable example of longevity. Currently the fourth-oldest supercentenarian in the world, he exemplifies the genetic potential and environmental factors that contribute to longevity in this region.
The Scientific Senate of the FDVDR is engaged in an intensive programme of work on the development of a Longevity Map, an ambitious project that aims to identify individuals in Romania who have attained a long lifespan and to analyse the factors that have influenced the lifespan of these individuals. The map will provide a detailed insight into the geographical distribution of longevity in Romania and will help to identify areas with particular potential for the study of longevity.
"It is a privilege to collaborate with the Gerontology Research Group and contribute to longevity research. Our objective is to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that influence people's long and healthy lives, both locally and globally," stated Lăcrămioara Frăsineanu.
This international collaboration serves to underscore the commitment of the Scientific Senate of the FDVDR to the advancement of scientific research and the making of significant contributions to the field of gerontology.


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