Success story: from Preschool Olympiad winner to International Mental Arithmetic Olympiad champion

From her inaugural triumph at the Preschool Olympics, when she was only 4 years of age, to the present day, Sofia Petcu has demonstrated that age is no impediment to excellence. At the age of 14, Sofia has already amassed a considerable record of achievement, having won over ten medals and trophies at national and international competitions in Egypt, Turkey, the Netherlands and India. She has also consistently led the Horus International Arithmetic Olympiad ranking in the professional category over the past year.

Sofia Petcu displayed her mathematical abilities at an early age, impressing the jury of the Preschool Olympiad competition, a contest organised by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania. Since that time, her enthusiasm for mathematics has continued to grow, and her exceptional results have consistently attracted attention at both national and international competitions. In 2015, at the age of five, Sofia participated in the 11th edition of the Preschool Olympiad, demonstrating her aptitude for mathematics by swiftly solving logic exercises, solving a puzzle, and engaging in creative drawing.

Over the course of her career, Sofia has demonstrated a remarkable combination of mathematical talent and unwavering dedication and determination. The dedication to long hours of study and training has been a fundamental aspect in the development of her outstanding skills and the achievement of success in top competitions around the world.

Furthermore, Sofia was awarded the title of "Champion of Champions" (highest score) in 2023 at the conclusion of the competition held in the Netherlands. This was following her victory in 2022 at the "Champion" title in Cairo, Egypt.

Sofia serves as an exemplar for the younger generation, particularly for her younger brother Iustin, who was the recipient of the first-place award at the International Mental Arithmetic Olympiad in Istanbul, Turkey. Following his most recent triumph in Istanbul, Iustin Ștefan is now gearing up for the next international competition in Dubai in early May. He will be participating alongside his sister Sofia Petcu, who is in the same age category.


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