Oxford University Press, National Geographic Learning and Cambridge University are coming to Romania for the annual conference organised by Fischer International in partnership with the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania.
The brightest minds in English language learning, trainers, authors and education specialists are coming together from 1-2 September in physical and online formats to exchange ideas, innovate and inspire.
For the 13th consecutive year, Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania is a partner of the event, underlining its commitment to excellence and innovation in Romanian education.
Fischer International 2023: Impactul Inteligenței Artificiale
This year's theme is "The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on education and rethinking its role in the digital age". The event, now in its 16th edition, is dedicated to teachers from different disciplines, as well as parents concerned about contemporary perspectives on education. Teachers and parents will learn about the latest developments in the field and how to develop their children's skills and competences.
Scott Thornbury, English teacher, trainer, author and co-author of 30 books in the field of English language teaching and methodology, twice winner of the British Council's ELTon Innovation Award is just one of the renowned experts who will be present at the event.
Originally from New Zealand, she has taught in England, Egypt and the US (as part of the MA TESOL program at the New School in New York) and is currently training English language teachers active in Mosaik Education, an organisation that aims to help refugees from the Middle East enter university education.
How to register. Find out who can participate for free
La evenimentul care se va desfășura și online și fizic, înscrierile se pot face pe FDVDR și pe Cărti Engleză. Fundația Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea României oferă gratuit pentru 50 de persoane interesate șansa de a participa online la programele desfășurate pe parcursul celor 2 zile din cadrul conferinței. Din rândul celor care vor completa formularul de înscriere, prin tragere la sorți, vor fi selectați cei 50 de participanți.
The Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania and Fischer International support Romanian education, year after year, by organising events that became now a tradition. The partnership between the two entities always generates educational programs that support continuous training in the field of education benefiting from the latest information in the field.